Building a brand can
be overwhelming.
Solid Branding is the FRONT DOOR of your church. If a brand guide with color palettes and font hierarchy are integrated properly into all of your visibility that reaches beyond the walls of your church such as:
your website
social media
print material
outdoor signage
then you can be assured that people who choose to attend your church for the first time will already know what your front door looks like!
Now take this concept one step further.
If you’re color palettes for all ministries are being used appropriately outside your house, there’s a very good chance, these people will feel immediate familiarity, safety, and trust. If they scan your lobby and see a green hallway on their left and green is your kid’s ministry color that you’ve used in all your kid ministry social media and all of your merch, they will already know where to take their children and feel less apprehensive to do it!
Investing in branding and professional design helps
those outside your walls, to have a roadmap in!
To get your community on the fast track to familiarity with your church, it does take an investment!
In business terms, we’d call this “cost of customer acquisition. However, in this line of work, we would all agree there is no cost too great for the opportunity to bring life to the fullest to everyone in your community.
It is a temptation to cut corners when it comes to design work in the church. After all, I’m sure you know a “college kid or two who might know how to use Canva”.
Our mission at Kindred is to raise the standard of branding and digital media design in the local church and we’ve been working hard at it since 2005.
We’re looking for the dreamers, the big visions, the impossible missions, and the purpose driven churches who will partner with us here at Kindred to do whatever it takes to bring the Gospel to the world around them with every ounce of excellence they have.