Newhope Church Branding
Newhope Church is a multi-site church located in the Sound region of the Seattle area. It has a vibrant culture, lots of young life and energy as well as a tangible passion for Jesus and living authentically like Him.
original brand
The goal of this rebrand was to bring a fresh, modern makeover to their original brand which had carried them through their first 7 years as a church.
The expressed desires of Newhope was to bring that freshness with a bold approach but to keep ties to the original look. So with all that in mind we went to work developing concept brands in a variety of presentations that we felt would steer the project in that direction.
Initial Brand Concepts
chosen brand mark concept
As the brand mark was chosen, we were off to fine tuning, font choosing, lockup building, palette assembly and house brand creation.
Coming down to two choices between fonts, we did some option work of presenting versions of the brand in each font with differing weights and positions.
As you’ve seen, each of these intricate steps, are so very important and can drastically affect your branding and the way that it is caught by the eye and recognized, so we make sure not to rush through even the tiniest bit.
Take a few moments to look through the Brand guide that was developed for Newhope including a full tour of the brand, fonts, colors, as well as the House Brands developed for Newhope Kids and Newhope youth.

Since the rebrand project, Newhope has allowed us the opportunity to add additional brands to their house.